PF 2024: All the best in 2024

Dear Partners, we are pleased to thank you for cooperation in 2024. Our team wishes you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!



We are specialists in horizontal road marking systems - machinery and its accessories. Likewise in materials for horizontal road marking. In cooperation with the biggest german road machines producer Hofmann GmbH., american Graco BVBA, swiss companies Basler Lacke and Kamber SA, austrian Rembrandtin and german Weissker we satisfy needs of Czech and Slovak clients.





Graco 2021: TapeLazer HP
Straight at the beginning of the 2021 we are proud to introduce new product for laying tapes from Graco's range - TapeLazer HP Automatic. This hand pushed machine can be used with the drive unit LineDriver and achieve speed up to 9 km/h.

HARDMAN UH a.s.: PF 2021
Dear business partners! Let us wish you Merry Christmas and happy New year! We are looking forward to continue making the road marking branche better. Team HardmanUH, a.s.

2KPPM: Tactiles 3x 30 mm & 6x 26 mm VIDEO
Creating guide lines for blind - hand guided self propelled machine lays tactiles in 2C cold plastics. Tactiles 3x 30 mm or 6x 26 mm.

2KPPM: Transition from flat to stochastic marking VIDEO
In this video we are demonstrating the transition from flat marking confirguration to agglomerate stochastic line configuration. You can do it in less than 4 minutes! ... >>

News in Used Machines: Hofmann H33-1 cold paints, airspray
Material tanks 2x 385 lts, placed across. 3x marking units. 3x Kamber P38 paint guns, 3x Hofmann glass bead guns, Electronic EL2, Compressor 4+2 valves (3.240 lts per min. by 7 bar). Glass bead tank 250 lts. Weight 2.400 kg ... >>

World NEWS: 2KPPM - the Car Park Specialist
We are pleased to introduce our brand new machine: 2KPPM, machine specially developed for car park markings in 2C cold plastics. This machine marks in 3,5 cm curb distance. Check out our video...

Czech TV Daily News: Hofmann H9-1 and Grand Prix Brno 2019
National Czech TV reported big track preparations for Gran Prix 2019 in Brno. In this short video you might see Hofmann marking machine H9-1 with low pressure system airspray for application of speciali high adhesive paint for race tracks ...

Hofmann H33-4: Swivelling Thermoplastic Extruder
Hofmann demonstrates its swivelling MultiDotLine® extruder for thermoplastics. Marking plain line 30 cm in France.

Hofmann H10-2 for agglomerate 2C cold plastic markings, 25 cm line width
Latest video of new Hofmann road marking machine H10-2 in combination with 2C cold plastic open screed box for agglomerate marking. This time in action while laying 25 cm continuous and dashed line.

NEW! Hofmann H10-2 open screed box system for 2C cold plastics
This machine was developed for small and middle road marking project. This time fitted with open screed box system for two component cold plastic layout. Output? Structural marking, flat, structural with profiles or flat with profiles. 10 to 30 cm line widths. Check out our testing video!

Intertraffic Amsterdam 2018
Don't miss our short video from the biggest road traffic event in the world. Hofmann, Basler, Graco, Weissker, Kamber and Rembrandtin and us were there!

Hofmann EXPO 2017 in Hamburg: The Absolute Global Industry Highlight
Check out our video from the biggest road marking technology fair in the world! Nobody who is involved in the branche should miss this event.

New Hofmann Machine! Curving specialist H 10 - 1
German road marking machine producer Hofmann came up with a new special machine. This piece is meant for medium size marking projects and is specialised in marking of curved sections. Find out more here.

Technology Days Hofmann 2016 - Hamburg
HOFMANN TechnologieTag & International Expo 2016 - one of these most interesting road marking events if not the most important one - check out the trailer!

Road Fair Pardubice 2016
It has been already XV. happening of Road Fair in Pardubice. Fair hosted about 60 exhibitors and 600 visitors, all of them branch specialists.

Technology Days Hofmann 2015 - Hamburg
International fair in Hamburg attracked tons of visitors again. As always new technologies, new findings, demonstrations, common dinner were on the agenda.

IV. Seminar of summer road maintenance in Šamorin, Slovakia
As an exhibitor we have taken a part in Slovakia's fourth seminar focused on summer road maintenance issues held in Šamorín.

Our visit in Basler Lacke AG
We regulary visit out paint supplier in Switzerland and this time we brought you a small photo report.

Hofmann Technology Days 2014 - Hamburg
International Technology Days organised by Hofmann GmbH. in Hamburg / Rellingen attracted this time over 500 visitors from more than 50 countries.

Road Conference 2014 - Olomouc
We regularly take a part in czech road conferences this time organized in Olomouc in October 23. - 24. 2014.

General information about horizontal road marking - part I.
In cooperation with student Bc. David Kloubek we have brought you useful information about horizontal road marking divided into several chapters. This work is determined primarily for clients, project architects and realizers of horizontal road marking.

Graco Demonstration 2014 - Photo Gallery
Togerther with our customers we have taken a part in demonstration of Graco machines organized in Budapest...

Intertraffic 2014 Amsterdam - Photo Gallery
The biggest international fair called Intertraffic organized in Dutch Amsterdam brought us many innovations and new contacts in traffic safety.


A few words about history of road marking

In 1883 a professor of South Dakota predicted that future cars will be able to do for those times unbelievable speed over 25 miles per hour and will be driven on roads split with a white line into two traffic lines, each for one direction. As time passed in 1911 somewhere in USA first horizontal road marking popped up.

Over 45.000 of dead and 1 million of injured per year, these are real results of car accidents on European roads. We should bear in mind that behind those numbers are in fact real humans, their suffering and damages. General estimation of these damages are in range between 1.6 to 3.2 trillion CZK.

We can say that traffic safety is a responsibility of each country and its government. Such a complex topic involves besides other things not only directionality of communications, road surfaces, traffic lights, but also drivers training, vehicles safety and so. However each of these points plays a very important role. 

Horizontal road marking with its leading lines, directional arrows and pull-offs form a group of important signals determined primarily for drivers. One of its main functions is not only traffic safety but also leading of drivers and acceleration of road traffic. As important requirements of horizontal road marking are considered optical leading and traffic order and regulation as well. Long story short road marking needs to be visible during day and night for all participants of road traffic. Although horizontal road marking is the cheapest safety element of the entire traffic system you would hardly imagine driving through the night without help its white leading lines.

Materials mostly used in the world are currently cold plastic, sprayable plastic, thermoplastic and two components cold plastic.


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